January 19, 2025

5 Types of money plants

Types of money plants

Plants, in general, are known to provide positive ambiances, but the most common of them are money plants. Money plants mostly belonging to the Arum, Brassicaceae and Malvaceae families are some of the well-known creepers around the world. One can easily spot a money plant in offices, houses, shops and cafes. 

Benefits of a money plant~

  • Purifies air
  • Acts as an anti-radiator against electronic gadgets like computers, laptops and mobiles
  • has medicinal benefits
  • known to bring prosperity and wealth
  • Lessens stress and anxiety and spreads positive vibes
  • Can be used as a decor

Types of money plants

There is a lot of confusion about which plant is a money plant. Is it jade or golden pothos? Is it pilea or Lunaria? In truth, all of them are different varieties of money plants and we are going to learn about a few of them in this article.

1. Money Tree

Money Tree
Source: Google Images

Scientific name: Pachira aquatica

  • Money tree, also known as Malabar chestnut or Saba nut is native to central and South America where it grows in swamps.
  • Generally, its leaves consist of 5 leaflets but 9 leaflets can also be found sometimes, which is considered as very lucky.
  • In their niche, they can grow up to 60 feet tall but as a houseplant, they grow only up to 8 feet. 
  • 5 leaflets of the money tree represent the well-balanced energy of 5 elements, it balances the energy flow and brings good fortune and prosperity.

 2. Pothos

Source: Google Images

Scientific name: Epipremnum aureum

  • Also called golden pothos, money plant, or devil’s ivy, silver vine, hunter’s robe and hardy indoor foliage plant which is native to Southeastern Asia.
  • They are fast-growing plants and can be grown as a climber or draped down the pot.
  • It is almost destructible and poisonous for humans and pets if ingested.
  • There is a variety of Pothos, the most common of them being the golden pothos with heart-shaped green leaves with golden streaks. 

3. Jade

Jade Plant
Source: Google Images

Scientific name: Crassula ovata

  • It is also called the lucky plant and dollar plant and is native to South Africa. It is a succulent plant with pink or white flowers and thick, glossy, jade-green oval leaves.
  • Jade plants are particularly known to live long- they can live for 100 years.
  • The Jade plant is an excellent air purifier, it absorbs CO2 at night and elevates the level of humidity.
  • Jade is mildly toxic to pets so make sure to keep it out of their reach. 

4. Lunaria

Source: Google Images

Scientific name: Lunaria sp.

  • Commonly called honesty or silver dollar plant is a flowering plant native to Southern Europe and Northern America. 
  • In sorcery, this plant has a protective nature, known to keep away monsters.
  • It is a member of the Brassicaceae family and grows up to 2 feet tall. 
  • Lunaria is a biennial plant that grows one year, flowers in the next and will die after producing seeds. It is further very easy to grow from the seeds and the only thing it doesn’t like is soggy soil.

5. Chinese money plant

Chinese money plant
Source: Google Images

Scientific name: Pilea peperomioides

  • Chinese money plant, which also goes by the name pancake plant, UFO plant and mirror grass is native to Yunnan and Sichuan provinces in southern China.
  • It is a great plant for growing indoors or for gifting a friend since it grows fast and is easy to care for.
  • Its flat round leaves resemble coins and thus it is called a money plant.
  • It enjoys bright light but not direct sunlight and can survive at any temperature down to freezing. In cool temperatures, it might start flowering.

These were the five major types of money plants that can be commonly found. Being harbingers of good fortune, we hope these plants keep you fortunate enough to pursue your passions. Until next time, then, folks!


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