July 26, 2024
Featured Indoor Plants Winter

9 Unusual Plants You Can Grow Indoors This Winter

There’s nothing quite like spending a chilly, wintery day snuggled up beside a crackling fireplace, but for some people, the cold might as well be spring. That’s why so many people are rooting their hopes and planting their doubts about indoor gardening in the winter. Not only is it an excellent way to extend your […]

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Featured Decor Design garden

Tips On Low-Maintenance Landscaping That Look Professional

Have you ever been to a place where the garden looks stunning? It’s not because that person spends a lot of money on gardening. Instead, it’s because the gardener has taken care of her landscaping in such an efficient manner. The lawn isn’t overgrown and no weeds are hanging around. There is just enough greenery […]

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Featured garden plant

Trees and Plants to have for a shady garden

When you have a sunny backyard, you want to enjoy it all day long. A shady garden gives you the privacy and peace that you desire. But, a shady garden can be difficult to maintain. That’s where trees and plants come in handy. You can have shade without sacrificing the beauty of your landscape. Here […]

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Featured Garden Design plant

5 Plants Every Garden Needs To Be Complete

If you’re reading this, then you probably know that gardening is one of the best ways to stay healthy and active. Plus, it doesn’t cost very much to get started—all it takes is a few containers, some seeds, and water. You can even save some money if you plan ahead by making homemade compost or […]

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Decor Featured plant soil

Bring Mogra for that Sweet Aroma in your House Garden

Main Highlights: Mogra Mogra plantation Requirements for Mogra Plantation Ever visited a mogra plantation? Damn the beautiful essence of mogra is something you need to smell. What about bringing one home? This cute little plant can instantly uplift your mood and make you go dancing like in one of those Bollywood movies. Mogra is a […]

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Featured garden Garden Design plant

7 Reasons To Add Adenium Plant to your Balcony

Main Highlights Adenium plants How to grow them   Do you know the plants kept on your balcony can have a huge impact on your mental health? With the emerging social platforms, indoor gardening is gaining a lot of popularity lately. Plants-based podcasts, online plant subscriptions and services like Lazy Flora and Grounded came into […]

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Featured Garden Design

6 Best Croton Plants and Its Requirements To Grow At Home

Main highlights: Crotons Types of crotons Crotons are extremely beautiful and loved for their bright foliage and intriguing patterns. Most croton plants make the best house plants. You can even plant them in warmer areas outdoors. Low-maintenance plants are really good plants for beginners. This plant adds a splash to your garden.  There are some […]

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Featured Garden Soil Horticulture kitchen garden plant

A full Guide for your Urban Terrace Garden

Main highlights: Urban terrace garden Things to grow in your garden Tips and tricks Ever wondered how to grow your own veggies but worried about how, to begin with? Urban Terrace Garden is the best possible option. In this article, we will be covering some of the great tips by Doctor Viswanath. He is the […]

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Composting Featured Horticulture

5 Smart Ways To Tackle The Drainage issues In Your Garden

If you’ve ever tried to grow anything in your yard, you’ve probably heard that your plants need to be in a well-drained area.

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How To Use The  Pruning Shears Correctly.

If you have more shrubs and perennials than turf, you’ll be using pruners more than any other instrument, so it’s a good idea to think about the steps you take and consider a few recommendations on how to use the pruning shears correctly while still being good for your plants.

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