July 26, 2024
Featured Decor garden

How To Plan The Best Seasonal Variety For Your Garden

When it comes to the garden, timing is everything. You need to plan so that you can get the most out of your planting zone for the year. Keeping a seasonal garden involves harvesting the best produce at its peak and using that as much as possible. The best way to do this is by […]

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Featured Decor garden kitchen garden

Kitchen Garden: How To Set Up Your First Kitchen Garden

The kitchen garden is back. After a brief hiatus – and a handful of questionable Instagram trends – the kitchen garden is making its comeback. Thanks to the Internet, it’s easier than ever before to find blogs on the subject, DIY videos, and even starter kits that let you get started with minimal fuss. Plan […]

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Featured Decor Design garden

Tips On Low-Maintenance Landscaping That Look Professional

Have you ever been to a place where the garden looks stunning? It’s not because that person spends a lot of money on gardening. Instead, it’s because the gardener has taken care of her landscaping in such an efficient manner. The lawn isn’t overgrown and no weeds are hanging around. There is just enough greenery […]

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Featured Decor Tips

How do you incorporate rotting Halloween pumpkins into your garden?

Utilizing a rotten pumpkin in your garden doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are a few ways you can incorporate rotting pumpkins into your landscape. Are you ready? Let’s get started! How to Grow a Rotten Pumpkin in the Garden Growing your own rotten pumpkin for the garden is a great way to recycle a […]

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Decor Featured garden Garden party

Hosting a Garden Party?

Whether you live in a city apartment or a house with a backyard, chances are you have some space in your garden. That space can be the perfect place to host a get-together with friends and family. Who knows? Your next party may become the talk of the town once your friends swing by for […]

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Decor Featured kitchen garden

What Ornamental Plants are best for a Kitchen Garden?

What ornamental plants are best for a kitchen garden?‍ Growing fresh herbs in your kitchen garden is a great way to incorporate some organic vegetable gardening into your lifestyle. There are plenty of benefits to growing your own herbs, including access to aromatic plants, reduced grocery bill, and the added bonus of fresh-cut flower arrangements […]

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Decor Featured plant soil

Bring Mogra for that Sweet Aroma in your House Garden

Main Highlights: Mogra Mogra plantation Requirements for Mogra Plantation Ever visited a mogra plantation? Damn the beautiful essence of mogra is something you need to smell. What about bringing one home? This cute little plant can instantly uplift your mood and make you go dancing like in one of those Bollywood movies. Mogra is a […]

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Decor Featured garden

Selecting Trees And Bushes For Your Garden Can Be Perplexing!

Main Highlights: Gardening Selecting plants Gardeners should inspect the planting location, establish their landscape requirements, and gather relevant information on plant materials. Size, hardiness, pest and disease susceptibility, and soil conditions are all essential plant features. Plant choices can help you create a beautiful environment while also preventing future maintenance issues. It’s easy to understand […]

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Decor DIY Featured garden

Eye-Soothing Plants To Keep At Your Home 

While plants are quite common to place in the garden, some of them can brighten your indoors.

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Decor Featured garden

Edge Your Lawn With These 10 Easy Steps.

What is the point of edging your lawn? It’s the distinction between mowing a lawn and grooming it.

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