July 25, 2024
Featured Indoor Plants plant

5 Unusual Houseplants You Should Be Growing

Do you have a dark corner at home where nothing seems to grow? Do you snub the idea of growing your plants as they are too time-consuming and require a lot of care? Are you tired of buying new plant pots every few weeks? If yes, then you should think about growing some houseplants. Not […]

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DIY Featured plant

How to grow Saffron in your Garden

Saffron, also known as saffron crocus, is a hardy perennial in the iris family. It is native to the mountains of southern Europe but has been cultivated for thousands of years. Today it is a highly prized spice. Safflower helps the plant grow through its short growing season and the fact that it needs full […]

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Growing Daphnes In Your Garden.

Do you require some early color? Plant a daphnes bush in your yard!

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Garden Design

Paradise on rooftop

Nature has never ruined a chance to impress us. whether it’s the flora, fauna, birds chirping, the beautiful flowers, mountains, crystal clear flowing rivers and the evergreen sceneries.

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Featured garden Garden Soil Horticulture

Get to know your garden Soil

Hello Gardening Enthusiasts. It is common knowledge that plants intake water, air and other nutrients through the soil they are planted in.

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Design Featured Garden Soil Horticulture

Effect of winters on plants: its tips to prevent

Plants have to experience every condition of nature. But protecting them is our means of responsibility. Every plant is required of Sun water and Shadow as per its capability to take up the conditions. That is how every type of plant has its way of nature to survive. 

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