July 25, 2024
Design Featured Fencing Gardening Inspiration

Garden Gate Ideas : 5 Amazing Tips

To keep your garage doors clean and free of rust, it’s important to regularly clean the tracks. Even with regular cleaning if there is any moisture in the garage or condensation on the doors then rust will develop. You can prevent this by installing a garden gate at the entrance. This article gives some great […]

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Featured Design garden Gardening

Sustainable gardening practices and reducing waste

Sustainable gardening practices are becoming increasingly important as the world population continues to grow and the impact of human activities on the environment becomes more apparent. By adopting sustainable gardening practices, individuals and communities can reduce their impact on the environment, conserve resources, and create a healthier, more resilient landscape. Here are some of the […]

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Featured Design garden Gardening

Urban gardening and small-space gardening: 6 tips

Urban Gardening and Small-Space Gardening: A Guide to Cultivating a Thriving Garden in the City. Urbanization has brought many changes to the way people live and work, but it has also impacted the way they grow food and interact with nature. With a growing population and limited space in cities, many people are turning to […]

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Design Featured garden

How To Build A Stunning Bedding Border For Your Garden Bed

Do you have a garden bed in your backyard? Or maybe you’re planning on creating one? Either way, a garden bed is an ideal spot for planting. You can plant a variety of plants together in one space. Although having a garden seems like a very common thing these days, it wasn’t that long ago […]

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Featured Design garden

How to grow An Organic Vegetable Garden In The City

Those of us who live in city environments have a hard time growing fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible! It just means you need to be creative and willing to take small steps that can lead to a large impact. When you live in the city, limited space is […]

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Featured Design garden Garden Soil

9 Vegetable Gardening Tips For Beginners

If you’re just getting into gardening, or have been for a while, it can be challenging to know where to start. There are so many different options and different techniques for growing plants. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be difficult! So whether you’re a beginner or looking to improve your existing skills, here are some […]

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Featured Design garden plant soil

How To Grow Ginger From A Terra Cotta Pot

Ginger is one of the most popular spices in the world. It’s so popular that people across cultures have been growing it for centuries. Ginger grows best in full sun and well-drained soil, so there are plenty of ways to grow ginger at home! Here’s how to grow ginger from a terra cotta pot. What […]

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Featured Decor Design garden

Tips On Low-Maintenance Landscaping That Look Professional

Have you ever been to a place where the garden looks stunning? It’s not because that person spends a lot of money on gardening. Instead, it’s because the gardener has taken care of her landscaping in such an efficient manner. The lawn isn’t overgrown and no weeds are hanging around. There is just enough greenery […]

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Featured Design garden

How To Prune Flowering Shrubs And The Secret Behind It All

You can’t escape the blooms of spring. You might try to hide from the world with a blanket and a good book, but you know it’s futile because every single person in your town is going to be outside taking advantage of the nice weather. Prune is the process of cutting back an entire plant […]

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Design Featured garden Landscaping plant Winter

Which types of lawn bear up better in the Winter?

Do you have a lawn with difficult conditions? Maybe it gets waterlogged in wet, humid weather or is vulnerable to insect attack. It could be bare and sandy when the ground is frozen hard. It may be surrounded by other lawns that are thriving through the winter. Are these your challenges? Or are they just […]

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