March 3, 2025
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Edge Your Lawn With These 10 Easy Steps.

Eye-Soothing Plants To Keep At Your Home 

What is the point of edging your lawn? It’s the distinction between mowing a lawn and grooming it. Maintenance will be infrequent, short, and gratifying while being time-consuming at first. Getting an outstanding haircut but leaving an overgrown beard unkempt is like getting an incredible haircut but leaving an overgrown beard unkempt.

First and foremost, you must have the appropriate tool for the job. The issue is that many consumer edgers are difficult to operate, create a lot of mess, and are easily clogged.

You’ll need to get a straight-shaft weed-eater with adequate strength to do the task, similar to what the pros use.

Consider using stakes and string to define the bordering regions on difficult curving designs. Begin on the outskirts and make your way inward. For a more efficient result, start and end at the same spot for large, reasonably flat surfaces. Here Are some creative ways with which you can edge your lawn like a pro.

1. Mow The Grass

Image Source: The Turfgrass Group

When edging your lawn, you should always begin by mowing. That way, you’ll know how short or tall to cut the grass along your lawn’s edges.

Never trim more than a third of your grass blades at once, as a general rule. You don’t want to “scalp” your lawn by cutting it too short. This can lead to bare patches and a shaky foundation.

2. Plan The Path

It’s a good idea to mark your planned path with tape, a hose, or rope to indicate where you’ll make your edge cuts, especially if this is your first time edging.

Don’t use spray paint since it can get windy or you might miss it. However, if you’re only edging along sidewalks and don’t think it’s required, you can skip it entirely.

3. Choose Edging & Trimming Tools

 Lawn Edger
Source: Google Images

The tools used to edge a lawn and those used to trim a lawn can differ. Understanding the difference between edging and trimming is essential for proper landscaping. Edging involves making a cut on the lawn. This “edge” creates a boundary between the grass and the sidewalks or boundaries.

Cutting grass in places that your lawnmower can’t reach, such as against a wall or fence, is known as trimming. To correctly edge or trim a lawn, you can utilize a variety of manual and power instruments.

4. Edge The Perimeter

Now comes the edging. Make sure you know where any electrical lines, plumbing pipes, or other underground risks are before you begin. You don’t want to risk cutting them with your edger, so keep a safe distance from them.

Image Source: This Old House

To familiarise yourself with the moves, you can do a practice edge. We propose doing it in a less visible area of your lawn or in your backyard.

5. Using a Lawn Edger

Now you must decide whether you use a power or manual edger. Power edgers, such as string trimmers, will speed up the process, but manual edgers will give you more control.

Lawn edgers use an extremely sharp blade to carve a trench between the grass and hedges or other locations. A lawn edger is a gadget for trimming the grass on the very edge of a lawn or flowerbed that the lawnmower may be unable to reach. They’re particularly useful for edging a sidewalk or preventing grass from growing over a walkway.

6. String Trimmers

Trimmers are frequently used as edgers, and some are referred to as trimmers/edgers. Electric, gas, corded, and cordless versions of these lightweight power tools are available. They have a long shaft at the bottom with a spinning head. The spinning head creates a centrifugal force that cuts through grass and weeds using a monofilament thread.

Image Source: YouTube

For large lawns, gas trimmers work best, while electric trimmers are more environmentally friendly. Cordless trimmers are lightweight and portable, and they run on batteries.

7. Using a Manual Edger

A manual edger with a straight blade or one shaped like a half-circle is a cost-effective option. It cuts deeply into the soil and operates like a shovel.

Spikes on the wheels of manual rotary edgers allow for cleaner cutting. It takes a lot of physical effort to make a clean, sharp edge using a manual edger, but it can be used anywhere.

8. Safety Gear

To protect your eyes from grass, pollen, and other debris, put on a durable pair of gloves and a pair of safety glasses.

The importance of PPE and safety equipment for landscapers
Image Source: Paramount Safety Products

If you are allergic to something, you can also use a face mask to protect your nose and mouth.

9. Trim Shrubs and Bushes

After you’ve finished with your perimeter and curving walkways, prune your shrubs and bushes using your edge shears.

Making the shapes even will be easier if you work in tiny, regular parts.

10. Clean Up

A thorough clean-up is required after every edging or trimming procedure. Toss cuttings into the yard with a leaf blower or sweep them up with a broom.

Allowing clippings and other waste to accumulate can create a fertile environment for grass and weeds to flourish. Debris removal also offers your planted grass a glossy finish.


Also Read: 5 Creative Planter Ideas for a Lovely Garden

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