July 24, 2024
Featured Friut garden Gardening Trees Winter

5 Fruit giving plants for Winters

Winter is here, and out of the blue, we are hit with a heavy dose of snow. The winds pick up, and the temperature dips to single digits. Ouch! That’s when thoughts turn to what can be done to keep us warm and happy. What better way to do that than by stoking the fireplace […]

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Featured Gardening Indoor Plants Inspiration

Must have Indoor plants for good vibes

House plants are not just mere decoration. They have a lot of benefits too! They help filter the air and remove toxins from it, keeping your indoor space pure and healthy. They also serve as great outlets for your pet’s natural instincts—to climb, explore, and feel the earth beneath their paws. We all love home […]

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DIY Gardening plant

How to grow Rose from Potato

Growing roses from potatoes are easy and fun. Planting potatoes as a rose is an excellent idea because they can be ruthlessly abused. Overgrown, unpruned, and neglected, the potato plant will produce masses of tubers that you can harvest, dry, and use to grow new potatoes and roses. How to grow rose from potato Plant […]

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DIY Gardening kitchen garden weeds

How do you remove unwanted plants from your kitchen garden?

So you’ve finally got your vegetable patch and are eager to start growing some of your own fresh produce. But with so many plants, how do you know which ones to grow? Which will thrive in your garden? And which need to be removed so that other, less common vegetables can take root? Luckily, there […]

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DIY garden Gardening tools

How do you keep garden tools sharp?

Keeping garden tools sharp is essential not just for efficient use and improved performance, but for reduced wear and tear on your equipment and extend the life of your tool. This will also help prevent injuries or accidents so you’re not worrying about damaging your tools as much as possible. Keeping Your Garden Tools Sharp […]

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